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  2.                                       POEMS
  4.                                        ***
  5.                                    THIS END UP
  6.                               God gave us two ends:
  7.                                   One to sit on,
  8.                                    One to use.
  9.                                  Success depends
  10.                                 on which you use:
  11.                                   Heads you win,
  12.                                  Tails you lose!
  13.                                        ***
  14.                                       POETS
  15.                                         1
  16.                           He's a poet and don't know it.
  17.                                But his feet show it
  18.                               They are long fellows.
  19.                                         2
  20.                           He's a poet and don't know it.
  21.                              But his wallet shows it.
  22.                                   He's very Poe.
  23.                                        ***
  24.                                     CHRISTMAS
  25.                         'Twas the night before Christmas,
  26.                             And all through the house,
  27.                           Not a creature was stirring--
  28.                             Th' spoons wuz all dirty.
  29.                                        ***
  30.                                      RUNAWAY
  31.                        There was an old man from Nantucket,
  32.                           Who kept his cash in a bucket.
  33.                              One day his daughter Nan
  34.                                Ran away with a man.
  35.                               And as fer the bucket,
  36.                                    Nan tuck it.
  37.                                        ***
  38.                                        MICE
  39.                              Hickory, dickory, dock, 
  40.                             Two mice ran up the Clock.
  41.                               The clock struck one,
  42.                               But the other escaped 
  43.                                With minor injuries
  44.                            And superficial lacerations
  45.                           About the head and shoulders.
  46.                                        ***
  47.                                      GARDENS
  48.                                 Little Miss Mary
  49.                                  Quite contrary,
  50.                             How does your garden grow?
  51.                                    With Vigero,
  52.                                     You Schmo!
  53.                                        ***
  54.                                 STARKLE, STARKLE
  55.                          Starkle, starkle, little twink.
  56.                      You're so very high up there, I think.
  57.                             Up above the scarry sty,
  58.                                 Like a dime one
  59.                                   In the sky.
  61.                            Swhisshy May, Swhisshy Mite,
  62.                             Haime what I swhish tonite.
  63.                                        ***
  64.                                  SOBERLY PERFECT               
  65.                            I jus' had tee martuniees,
  66.                             An' I'm soberly perfect.
  67.                                     In fack,
  68.                                 I'm not as drunk 
  69.                                  As some thinkle
  70.                                     Peep I am.
  71.                                        ***
  72.                                  DRIVIN' ME NUTZ
  73.                             If you drive, don't drink.
  74.                             If you drink, don't drive.
  75.                             If you think, don't drink.
  76.                           If you drink, you don't think.
  77.                                        ***
  78.                                        FAST
  79.                                         1
  80.                     There once was a young lady named Bright,
  81.                         Whose speed was faster than light.
  82.                      She went away one day in a relative way,
  83.                         And came back the previous night.
  84.                                         2
  85.                     There once was a young lady named Bright,
  86.                         Whose speed was faster than light.
  87.                      She went away one day in a relative way.
  88.                        And came back and gave me a sunburn.
  89.                                        ***
  90.                                      BOO BOO
  91.                                Harry was a chemist,
  92.                               But Harry is no more.
  93.                               What he drank for H2O.
  94.                                     Was H2SO4.
  95.                                        ***
  96.                                       SKINNY
  97.                         There was a young lady named Lynn,
  98.                        Whose form was so exceedingly thin,
  99.                               That when she essayed
  100.                                 To drink lemonade
  101.                           She slipped through the straw
  102.                                    And fell in.
  103.                                        ***
  104.                                      DELICACY
  105.                          An epicure, while dining in Caru
  106.                       Found quite a large mouse in his stew.
  107.                         Whispered the waiter, Don't Shout
  108.                                Und schling it about
  109.                        Or Der rest vill be vanting one too!
  110.                                        ***
  111.                                    EXTERMINATOR
  112.                             Fly, little 'skeeterhawk,
  113.                                 On gossamer wings.
  114.                                 And gobble-up bugs
  115.                               What bites and stings!
  116.                                        ***
  117.                                      APPETITE
  118.                                 Little Miss Muffet
  119.                                  Sat on a tuffet,
  120.                             Eating her curds and whey.
  121.                                Along came a spider,
  122.                              And sat down beside her.
  123.                             And she ate him, too--hey!
  124.                                        ***
  125.                                    HEALTH NUTS
  126.                            Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
  127.                            His wife could eat no lean.
  128.                        And so, you see, between them both,
  129.                          Their cholesterol averaged mean.
  130.                                        ***
  131.                                        HUH?
  132.                             Thirty days has September,
  133.                             April, June and No wonder!
  134.                     All the rest got peanut butter sammiches,
  135.                  'Cept grammaw--she got a little red motorcycle.
  136.                                        ***
  137.                                    SHAKESPEARE
  138.                                 'Twas in the cafe
  139.                                  Where they met,
  140.                               This Romeo and Juliet.
  141.                          He had no cash to pay the debt,
  142.                           So Romie owed what Julie et.
  143.                                        ***
  144.                                      JAYBIRD
  145.                                 Down in the holler
  146.                                  Not very far off.
  147.                               A Jaybird caught a case
  148.                                  of whoopin' cough.
  149.                              He whooped and he hollered
  150.                            and he whooped and he coughed.
  151.                              'Til he whooped his haid 
  152.                               and his tail right off!
  153.                                        ***
  154.                                        RARE
  155.                            Once upon a midnight dreary,
  156.                          While I pondered weak and weary,
  157.                     Over many a quaint idea with my computer,
  158.                       There was a slight noise--an intruder!
  160.                      Away to the window I flew like a flash,
  161.                      Opened the shutters and raised the sash.
  162.              Then what to my wondrous eyes should see on the ledging!
  163.                   But what appeared to be a fuzzball fledgling.
  165.                   After a short search in my CD ROM encyclopedia
  166.                        "He is a Rari!" said my multimedia.
  167.                          (Not much was known about them.)
  168.                                They were just rare 
  169.                       And needed tons of tender-loving care.
  170.                              (And tons of food, too!)
  172.                              Not a sound did he utter
  173.                            As he ate bread and butter.
  174.                      And he ate everything else in the house
  175.                    Except Snuffy my dog and Carolyn my spouse.
  177.                           I couldn't afford to feed him
  178.                            And the zoo didn't need him.
  179.                                  I was in a stew,
  180.                             So I did what I had to do.
  182.                          I loaded him on my flatbed truck
  183.                       And drove him over the cliff to chuck.
  184.                        He looked at me with mournful eyes,
  185.                             And to my great surprise,
  186.                          Spoke his first words recordari,
  187.                         "That's a long way to tip a Rari!"
  188.                                        ***
  189.                                         PC
  190.                                  A frequent flyer
  191.                                   had this poem 
  192.                               printed on the reverse
  193.                               of his business card:
  194.                               I see that you smoke.
  195.                            I want to warn you, I chew.
  196.                           If you don't blow smoke on me,
  197.                                I won't spit on you!
  198.                                        ***
  199.                                   SHE SLIPPED IN
  200.                              Slippery ice--very thin;
  201.                              Pretty girl--tumbled in.
  202.                           Gave a shriek--then she sank.
  203.                           Boy on hand--heard her shout;
  204.                          Jumped right in--pulled her out.
  205.                             Now he's hers--very nice;
  206.                        But first she had to break the ice.
  207.                                        ***
  208.                                  BODY BY FISSURE
  209.                               Susie had a mama cat.
  210.                              She fed her on tin cans.
  211.                          And when the kittens came along,
  212.                             they came in FORD sedans!
  213.                                        ***
  214.                                PATCHES IN NATCHEZ
  215.                     There once was a young lady from Natchez
  216.                      Whose clothes were covered in patches.
  217.                                  When asked why
  218.                                  She would reply
  219.                                  When it itches
  220.                                   I scratches!
  221.                                        ***
  222.                                      PEANUT
  223.                                   Little peanut 
  224.                                    crawled upon 
  225.                                the railroad track.
  226.                            His heart was all aflutter.
  227.                                       Roar!
  228.                                      Squish!
  229.                                   Peanut butter.
  230.                                        ***
  231.                                       TRIPE
  232.                                   Tripe, tripe
  233.                                 the more you eat
  234.                                the less you gripe.
  235.                                The less you gripe
  236.                                the better you feel.
  237.                                 So eat your tripe
  238.                                   at every meal.
  239.                                        ***
  240.                                   TWO DEAD BOYS
  241.                            'Twas early in the morning
  242.                            in the middle of the night
  243.                       when two dead boys got up to fight.
  244.                                   Back to back
  245.                              they faced each other
  246.                                drew their swords 
  247.                               and shot each other.
  248.                                 A deaf policeman
  249.                               upon hearing the noise
  250.                                   came and shot 
  251.                                the two dead boys.
  252.                                        ***
  253.                                   LIGHT CHARADE
  254.                           'Twas early in the morning
  255.                               in the noonday shade
  256.                             when the Russians caught 
  257.                         the charge of the light brigade.
  258.                                Cannons to the left
  259.                                cannons to the right
  260.                                and the cheerleaders 
  261.                                    were yelling 
  262.                                Fight! Fight! Fight!
  263.                              (But we were all killed).
  264.                                        ***
  265.                                  POLITICAL SPEECH
  266.                                Ladies and gentlemen
  267.                                  hobos and tramps
  268.                                crosseyed mosquitoes
  269.                                 and bowlegged ants:
  270.                                  I stand before you
  271.                                 to stand behind you.
  272.                                   As you all know 
  273.                             next Thursday is Good Friday.
  274.                                    There will be 
  275.                                a Father's Day meeting
  276.                                   for mothers only.
  277.                                     No admission
  278.                                   pay at the door.
  279.                                   Pull up a chair 
  280.                                and sit on the floor.
  281.                                        ***
  282.                                     NON-SENSES
  283.                                 "Let me see, now,"
  284.                              said the blind carpenter
  285.                                 to his deaf daughter
  286.                             as he picked up his hammer
  287.                                      and saw!
  288.                                        ***
  291.                                        END